Mapping Analysis Tools
Group Markers by Color

Marker Grouping Tool: Color Code a Map

Turn raw data into visual clarity with Maptive’s Marker Grouping Tool. Instantly color-code map markers to represent categories, uncover patterns, and make data easier to interpret. Create visually impactful maps with minimal effort and maximum understanding.


Color Code Maps in Seconds

Create beautiful, colorful, and insightful maps with Maptive’s grouping tool. When you first upload your location data to a mapping software platform like Maptive, you likely want some color differentiation between data points.

All pins are uploaded with default color, so your data can appear homogenous. However, with a few clicks, the grouping tool allows you to color-code your pins based on any category or column in your original spreadsheet.


Differentiate Data Categories with Color-Coded Pins

Want to use different colors to differentiate pins? You’ve come to the right place. Maptive’s grouping tool automatically sorts map markers into various colors based on the category you choose. Some common options include grouping pins by state, zip code, salesperson, or custom attribute.

Custom attributes are potent: create categories for your customers and prospects, organize real estate offerings by zoning restrictions, or label each step in your supply chain.

Immediately see the difference between a standard map without individual colors and one with the grouping tool applied with different marker colors for each state. The colors pop so you can see trends and patterns among different states, whether you plan to use your maps for presentations or data analysis.

What Else Can I Do With The Marker Grouping Tool?

 The marker grouping tool allows you to select the style and color of the markers that you define in your data. You can even upload a custom marker and use that to represent a group. Using this feature, create branded maps or thematic maps with multiple company logos representing distinct markers. Find out more.

maptive grouping tool

Grouping your data gives you the power to filter the markers on your map quickly. By clicking on all the marker groups you want to see, you can create a custom map that shows the locations you need to see now: see one individual state or select markers in a specific category. You can take this one step further using the Filter Tool.

Groups appear live on your map as soon as you create them, which can be incredibly beneficial when you need to quickly identify opportunities or areas of your business that require your attention.

Group your data conveniently within your map. There’s no need to make changes to your spreadsheet data to identify trends. The process is simple: click into the Grouping Tool, create your groups, click done, and view your grouped data in real-time in your map.

How to Color Code a Map With the Grouping Tool

Step 1:

Sign up for a Maptive free trial or account. Learn about our plans here.

Step 2:

Upload your data: use an Excel spreadsheet, Google sheets, your own CRM, or copy and paste.

Step 3:

Select “Create Map,” and Maptive will plot your data for you.

Step 4:

Once your markers appear on the map, select the Grouping Tool from your toolkit on the left. Next, select the column you wish to group by (pulled from your data).

Step 5:

Now it’s up to you. You can leave your grouped map as-is, your markers, or select specific areas or groups to filter with the checkboxes on the left.

How Does the Grouping Tool Work With Maptive’s Other Tools?

Demographic Map New York City - Map Coordinates

After you finish playing around with the grouping tool, explore Maptive’s other mapping tools to enhance your map further.

  • Color-code territories as well as markers with our heat map generator and territory tools. Add more map layers by creating territories based on country, state, or zip code boundaries. Use fills or the heat map functionality to display sales or population density.
  • The demographic mapping tool combines census data with your own information to create insightful maps with a view into your customer base—group areas by age, population, median household income, and more.
  • Filter data with the filter tool. While similar to the grouping tool, the filter tool allows you to segment data based on a wider range of values. For example, only include values within a particular numerical range or display all locations with a distinct role in your supply chain.

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